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Azure Function App Project


This project demonstrates the deployment of an Azure Function App using Terraform, Terraform Cloud and GitHub Actions for CI/CD. The full code can be found in my GitHub repo here.


Before you begin, you’ll need to have the following:

  • An Azure subscription.
  • A GitHub account.
  • A Terraform Cloud account, with a workspace configured and mapped to this repository.
  • Azure CLI installed locally (for development and testing).
  • Your favorite IDE - I prefer Visual Studio Code with the below extensions installed
    • GitHub Actions
    • HashiCorp HCL
    • HashiCorp Terraform


Azure Subscription

  1. Azure Service Principal: Create a service principal with Contributor access and configure it as a variable in Terraform Cloud. You can accomplish this in Azure Portal or via Azure CLI. There are many guides out there for this. A Contributor access is only appropriate for this tutorial. You will want to adhere to the Principle of Least Privilege and only assign the necessary role-based access controls (RBAC) to deploy code to the appropriate scope.

Terraform Cloud

  1. Workspace Setup: Ensure your Terraform Cloud workspace is set up and linked to your GitHub repository containing the Terraform configuration.
  2. Variables: Configure the necessary environment variables and Terraform variables in your Terraform Cloud workspace. This includes Azure credentials, resource naming, and any other configurations specific to your deployment.
  3. State Storage: Terraform Cloud will automatically manage the state of your infrastructure, providing a secure and collaborative environment for your team.

GitHub Actions

  1. Workflow Configuration: The .github/workflows directory contains the YAML files for GitHub Actions. These define the CI/CD pipeline. Changes are currently configured to only be manually deployed. This is accomplished with a workflow_dispatch trigger in the GitHub actions workflows plan-apply.yml and destroy.yml.
  2. Secrets: Set up the required secrets in your GitHub repository variable and secrets settings. This should include access tokens for Terraform Cloud TF_API_TOKEN.